One Life to Live viewers have literally seen Erin Torpey (Jessica Buchanan) grow up before their eyes. It's been thirteen years since Torpey first set foot in the fictional town of Llanview, Pennsylvania. But soon, viewers will be getting their last look at Torpey.
Torpey has announced plans to leave One Life to Live and focus on other areas of her life. According to the actress, she will not seek out other acting work right away. Instead, Torpey says that she will spend time with her family and concentrate on her singing.
The decision to leave was solely Torpey's and the network did not fire the actress.
There is already online speculation that One Life to Live might recast the role of Jessica Buchanan. The show recently put out a casting call for a 20something "sweet" girl. A show spokesperson declined to comment.
Torpey tapes her final scenes for One Life to Live in November. Those scenes will air in January.